Monthly Archives: January 2017


This piece by Emo Philips is many things.
It is considered by some to be the greatest
religious joke ever created.
It is highly intelligent.
The performance is a textbook in timing and focus.
It is very funny!
It has puns…

The Scotsman

This is a great find!
The Wood’s Tea Company doing a Mike Cross song
that Bryan Bowers made famous!
Does that even make sense?
WTC is from Vermont, my very bestest state ever.
A lot of great things come from Vermont…

Moose Turd Pie

I have posted this humorous story by Utah Phillips
once before, and for no other reason I’m going to
do so again just for one of the corniest lines
ever heard in a folk story!
He hits it early but stay around for the end, funny stuff.
It’s good though…