Monthly Archives: March 2020

Stand Off

Bitzer and Shaun are having fun at the expense
of an impatient Brit in a hurry.
This is a funny piece, Aardman and Nick Parks
at their very best.
I highly recommend anything by these folks.
Sheep apparently have a highly advanced sense of humor.
Who knew?


Jim Gaffigan with a neat little piece on bowling.
No, not REAL bowling like Candlepin.
It’s the one that allows you to drink and smoke
while snarfing down a hamburger or three.
I believe it’s called Ten Pin bowling.
I’m not knocking it really, but it IS the only
quasi athletic endeavor where you can
actually gain weight while doing it.
Whens there’s absolutely nothing else left to do…

Comedy 101 Radio 3.19.20

Back on the air, for how long I cannot be sure.
This virus pandemic is disrupting everything.
Only essential services are to be allowed after
midnight tonight, all others are to stay home.
Nobody wants a repeat of the pandemic of 1918.
Sacrifice a little now, not so much later.
Like a twisted scamp I went dark this week.
Not off the air dark, more of the irreverent
“Thumb in the Eye” type of programming I’m
known for.
Laughing in the face of danger is as old as
life itself!
As I said, dark.
I spread it thick too…calamities, pestilence,
disease, destruction, death, and the general
bleakness that life can be known for.
You are welcome!
Onward and upward…

I’m My Own Grandpa- Lonzo and Oscar
Rambling speech of stupefying numbness- Me
I’m South Korean- Henry Cho (s-up)
My Favorite Diseases- Mike Agranoff
Hospital Bed- Not the 9:00 News
I Got a Germ Thing- Adam Ferrara (s-up)
Shallow End of the Gene Pool- The Austin Lounge Lizards
This Could Be the Day- Baldbox
People, Animals and Plants- Big Butter
Three Frames and Gutter Bumpers- Chad Daniels (s-up)
Still Gonna Die- Old Dogs
News- MacLean and MacLean
Things We Say When People Die- George Carlin (s-up)
Decomposing Composers- Monty Python
Last Will and Temperament- The Frantics
Horrible Thoughts- Dan Cummins (s-up)
Pascagoula Pawn & Gun- Jim’s Big Ego
Al’s Defective Gun Shop- Laughing Hyena
Getting Older- Rodney Dangerfield (s-up)
Too Many Ways to Die- The Fools
Rockbottom’s- D.J. Hazard
Getting Older vs Growing Up- Josh Sneed (s-up)
I Go Insane- Darryl Rhoades
The Funeral Home Commercial- Mark Eddie
My Unhealthy Lifestyle- Kathleen Madigan (s-up)
Cicada Serenade- The Pheromones
Beat the Reaper- Firesign Theatre
Pay for Your Sins- Father Guido Sarduci (s-up)
Happy Dinosaur- Dick Price
The Chamber of Fate- The Vestibules
Equustentialisma- Emo Philips (s-up)
We Will All Go Together When We Go- Tom Lehrer
No News (Or What Killed the Dog?)- Frank Crumit
Children’s Death- Daniel Tosh (s-up)
We’re All Gonna Die- Antsy McClain
Your Dog or Your Daughter- The Coalition of Unified Men
All You Can Eat- Kevin Meaney (s-up)
Germs- Weird Al Yankovic
Shimmer- The Not Ready for Prime Time Players
Tornado Damage- Kyle Kinane (s-up)


Big Jim Buchanan (Paul Frees) with an
upbeat piece about filthy lucre.
The late, great Mr. Frees had some of the best
vocal ranges on the voice over circuit.
He was one of the very best ever, so much so
that he is currently being used at attractions
in Disneyland.
Superb tone in this one…