Brian Regan is one of the best stand-up comedians
of all time, easy top ten.
The all time king of snark, it has served him very well.
I like his older material better in some ways, he
seemed hungrier then, but it’s all quite good.
This is a great bit for it’s subtlety, his snark is
reined in a bit but that just adds to the expectation.
A very funny performance…
Monthly Archives: August 2020
And the Occasional Trouble

Da Vinci’s Notebook with an energetic little
ditty about losing fat the easy way.
Why bust your backside in a gym when
you can just break out the old Electrolux
and suck all your flab away?!
That’s why…
With a Headbutt I’ll Bet

Shaun of the Dead…How to
Be a Zombie in Three Easy Lessons!
Shaun, Ed, Mum and the rest are trying to impersonate
the walking dead in order to get to the pub.
Some are better than others, but you can see that they
are trying their best and that’s what counts.
I highly recommend this flick, lots of laughs to go
with all the blood, guts, and profanity.
There’s a bit of blue in this scene, but we all wear
adult undies (most of us anyway) and the urge to
suck it up should be the dominant paradigm here.
And if you still use a flip phone, you deserve to have
it slapped into the next county…
Safe…Until the Job Interview

Personal Fitness Plan
James P Connolly with a look at keeping fit and working out.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
I used to be a gym rat, still am in a way, I have a set-up
in my basement, working out on a regular schedule.
I couldn’t afford a gym membership anymore so I
decided to invest in some decent equipment.
I highly recommend doing so, you won’t regret it.
But enough about me, this is James P’s moment…
I Feel Better Already!

Comedy 101 Radio 8.27.20
I played some of my personal favorites last night.
Kellen Erskine is a superb stand-up comedian,
he has a way of mining a topic for humor unlike
any other comic that I have seen.
A classic by Harry Belafonte and Odetta.
One of my very favorite pieces from Emo Philips.
Mike Toomey with a great sketch.
The Reverend Billy C Wirtz with one Hell of a
funny tune.
Food block.
The Mrs. Ackroyd Band with a sad, yet hilarious,
tune of love unfulfilled.
A Certified Guitar Player with a betting lament.
Kyle Kinane with a very humorous observation.
Peter and Dudley with a SUPERB classic sketch
that contains one of the best one-liners in all of
comedy history.
Genitalia block.
Nope, not kidding…you needed to be there.
Yes it was tasteful.
No, I don’t care what your Mom thinks.
Onward and upwards…
The Great Strip Poker Massacre- Mike Cross
Chunky Chet’s Fried Chicken- Laughing Hyena
Animal Evolution- Kellen Erskine (s-up)
A Real Good time- Jim Stafford
3 Cousins Furniture- DJ Hazard
Bad Driver- Irwin Barker (s-up)
A Hole in the Bucket- Harry Belafonte and Odetta
Summer Vacation at Burning Man- G. Xavier Robillard
Nascar- Adam Ferrara (s-up)
Spaz Attack- 2NU
Alternative Child- Brian Doyle-Murray and John Belushi
Construction Site- Emo Philips (s-up)
Wrong- Eugene Chadbourne
3 Cousins Furniture #2- DJ Hazard
Special Victims and Ice T- John Mulaney (s-up)
Merry Little Minuet- The Kingston Trio
My Brother Pete- Mike Toomey
Golfing- Paul Nardizzi (s-up)
Butt for the Grace- The Reverend Billy C Wirtz
3 Cousins Furniture #3- DJ Hazard
Chinese Food- Jake Johannsen (s-up)
Soup- Heywood Banks
Cooking Time with Phillipa and Denina- The Vestibules
Daddy’s Money- Ogden Edsl
Dachshunds with Erections Can’t Climb Stairs- The Mrs. Ackroyd Band
Tornado Damage- Kyle Kinane (s-up)
The Uptown Poker Club- Jerry Reed
One Leg Too Few- Peter Cook and Dudley Moore
Cake Balls- Andy Woodhull (s-up)
Balls- Andrew Calhoun
Gladiator Condoms- The Royal Canadian Air Farce
Single or Married- Richard Jeni (s-up)
Your Brain on Drugs- Harry Shearer
No Pants- Pete Lee (s-up)

Silicon Slim
John Forster with an interesting tune, based
on a real crime.
Mr. Forster knows his way around a lyric, he’s
got a reputation of being one of the best.
It was the pennies that got him…