Monthly Archives: February 2021

Dance Fight Scene

High Fructose Corny, yet pretty entertaining snippet
from the 2017 flick, Despicable Me 3.
I was not aware they come out with a 2.
My age may have something to do with that.
Shades of a South American martial art style gives
this humorous scene a little flavor.
I thought it was funny anyway…

The Horrible Movie Song

A brilliant piece of lunacy from The Four Postman.
Very well done, everything about it, from the lyrics
to the performance itself.
A nice effort.
If I have recently posted this I do apologize, I am
getting old and quite forgetful…
A brilliant piece of lunacy from The Four Postman.
Very well done, everything about it, from the lyrics
to the performance itself.
A nice effort.
If I have recently posted this I do apologize, I am
getting old and quite forgetful…

Philosophy Football

I loves me some brainy British comedy.
This is as good as that gets.
I took a lot of philosophy classes in college.
It’s the base of all logic, I highly recommend
a deep dive into the subject if you truly want
to figure out how it all works.
These are all of the important, yet quirky,
philosophers that have graced our society
over the last several hundred years.
Some great lines here…