Monthly Archives: September 2022


A parody of the inspirational Max Ehrman poem from 1927.
As done by Norman Rose and Melissa Manchester from a
National Lampoon 1972 album called Radio Dinner.
Listen to Max’s version and then this one, it will mess with you.
Like that lemon on your left for instance…

Tooth Gremlin

Dan Cummins is dark.
Not a feel good, reflective in a good way
kind of stand-up comedian.
If he can figure out how to make a fifty
car pile-up in a raging blizzard with
multiple casualties sound funny he will
make it part of his act.
And we love him for it.
The important here is “no cavities”…

I Was Only Kidding

A prime example of why I think Weird Al Yankovic does
better with original material than with parody.
Making fun of a song can be, and often is, a cheap effort.
Even small kids know that, they do it all the time.
Stuff like this is is what I seek…