
This is a hilarious slice of the Classic 1933 Marx Brother’s
flick Duck Soup.
I laughed out loud at this one.
It stars Harpo and Chico Marx along side a comedic
character actor by the name of Edgar Kennedy.
Edgar was known as “Slow Burn” as one of his acting
talents was to slowly lose it in frustration and become
angry over a situation he was losing control of.
He became known as the first actor to fine tune the
rising anger of the role and make it a staple in
future comedic performances.
Seriously, watch this piece as it is the first, and one of
the finest, examples of losing it over a hopeless situation
in film history.
I marvel at movies that can make me laugh more than
eighty years after it was created, Chico and Harpo are
at their finest…

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