Comedy 101 Radio Playlist for 7.27.17
Homage to the late, great June Foray! Happy Birthday Gary Gygax!
  1. Long-a-Sing- Doo Doo Wah
  2. Odd Things- The Frantics
  3. Disney World- Bobby Collins (s-up)
  4. Making Cookies- Rick Segall
  5. Little Blue Riding Hood- Stand Freberg w/June Foray
  6. Living on a Farm- Lorne Elliott (s-up)
  7. Electronic Farm- The Android Sisters
  8. Fishing for Sheep- Roger Lloyd Pack
  9. Staples is Exhausting- Andrew Norelli (s-up)
  10. Gygax- Drown Radio
  11. Dungeons and Dragons- The Dead Alewives
  12. Family- Anthony Griffith (s-up)
  13. Hey Rocky- Boris Badenough
  14. Big-Boy Chucky (part #1)- Synaptic Anarchy Playhouse
  15. Dogs- Emo Philips (s-up)
  16. Three Drunk Newts- Bsrnes and Barnes
  17. Big-Boy Chucky (conclusion)- Synaptic Anarchy Playhouse
  18. Be Nice- Costaki Economopoulos (s-up)
  19. Remember?- Tom Rush
  20. Spud- The Not Ready for Prime Time Players
  21. Recession Busters- Gary Gulman (s-up)
  22. Stress- Jim Infantino
  23. Killing Time- The Coalition of Unified Men
  24. Television- Frazier Smith (s-up)
  25. The Galaxy Song- Bolivian Sunshine Dogs
  26. Tasteless Garbage- The Congress of Wonders
  27. Monopoly- Christian Finnegan (s-up)
  28. I Like Maryanne- PH Fred
  29. Suicide Prevention Hotline- Chevy Chase
  30. M&Ms/Bugles- Robert Hawkins (s-up)
  31. My Own Damned Couch- Kip Addotta
  32. Gut-Wrench Gert- Robbie Benoit
  33. Olympic Bullriding- David Crowe (s-up)
  34. A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request- Steve Goodman
  35. Acme Artificial Limbs- Conception Corporation
  36. Baby Daddy- Josh Sneed (s-up)
  37. The Grandfather Song- Stephen Lynch

    Lots of birthdays this week...Steve Goodman, Stephen Lynch and Gary Gygax. RIP June Foray/Rocky, Natasha, Talky Tina, Witch Hazel, Grandma!
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