Jeremy Hotz: Canada and the U.S.
There are several differences between the two countries.
Some are small, others gigantic.
Jeremy can tell you what you’re up against.
Some naughty words here, they may cause your poor old
grandmother to explode without warning.
Put the old scold in the closet, and lay down a tarpaulin
just in case…
One of Life’s Many Grand Achievements!
Mid-Term Grades
A wonderful slice of Animal House, the classic flick from 1978.
So mamy great moments in this movie, this is one of the best.
John Vernon plays Dean Wormer like no other could, a role
of a lifetime to be sure.
In this scene he brings the residents of Animal House to his
office to discuss their future, or lack thereof.
Classic, of that there is no doubt…
Happy @#$%^&* Monday!
Frank’s Not in the Band Anymore
Worm Quartet with a neat little offering of inclusion,
percussion, and boogers.
Definitely not in that order.
Frank gave it his all, and then some…
I’m No Epidemiologist
Jeff Caldwell with a very smart set.
He’s a funny guy, always good for a laugh.
But he’s not a doctor…
Very Complex Creatures…
Food Chain Box
Tomosteen makes the most interesting stuff.
Stop motion video at its finest, and it is really
fascinating to see it progress.
The big fish eat the little fish, in a nutshell…