Monthly Archives: October 2014

Nocturnal Stumblebutt

Loudon Wainwright III is an American icon of epic proportions.
His pedigree and lineage is very interesting, maybe some day
I’ll get down and dirty with it.
He has, like a lot of serious artists, produced some humorous
songs that are a good fit for a comedy show like C101R.
As a matter of fact I like it when they do come out with one
every now and then, the serious types are very disciplined and
when they do let loose it can be a doozy!
Like this one…

A cold beer would go well with that crumpled butt!

Jerks with an escape hatch!

No not really, my words not theirs, but it does fit.
Tripp and Tyler have a twisted sense of humor, and this
video confirms that.
It’s funny, I have many deep annoyances, one of my main
ones is that the biggest buttheads in life can get away
with things that you and I could not.
This is proof…!

More to come.

National Brotherhood Week!

I want to spotlight Tom Lehrer again for many reasons, the
least of which is that he is an American icon of epic
proportions and a truly unique individual.
Here he is doing a combo of two of my favorite pieces by
him…National Brotherhood Week and When You are Old and Gray!

Fantastic stuff!
There is nobody quite like him.

It’s all elemental

Tom Lehrer is one of the most unique artists this planet
has ever seen.
Not only is he a top notch performer…superb stage presence,
an adept pianist and outstanding vocalist, it’s his mind that
sets him apart from almost every other artist I’ve witnessed.
A math professor by trade, he took the world by surprise back
in the 50s(!) when he released his recordings.
The songs were satirical, controversial and extremely funny!
This is a piece taken from his famous Copenhagen performance
from 1967…The Elements!

Just fantastic!
More to come…

Is this working…?

Kathleen Madigan is the top of the comedic heap, as far as
I’m concerned, and she’s been there a really long time.
She has gifts that I have not seen in any other comic, she
does everything well and she deserves all the accolades given,
Here she is talking about her family…

More to come!