Monthly Archives: December 2014

I don’t wanna die…

Jim Gaffigan is a good stand-up comedian that seems to get
better with age.
You hear that quite a bit, and I certainly don’t say things
like that unless I really mean it.
Check out this piece he did on the tonight Show, there are
a few times when I really laughed out loud…

One of his better sets!

It’s good to be the king!

There have been a considerable amount of tributes to the
supremely talented Mel Brooks as of late, and rightfully so.
That guy has a comedy pedigree a mile long, and it’s still
Here’s a piece that he did in 1981 that actually charted in
some countries, It’s Good To Be the King!

Good on ya, Mel!

Naw, I’m just fine, Clark…

The more clips of this movie that I see to more I want to see
it in its entirety…again.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is truly an iconic holiday
flick, it seems to get better upon repeated viewings.
I truly believe that part of the appeal is Chevy Chase’s relatives
and how much they resemble our own!
I’ll break it down even further in the coming days, until then
check out this superb clip with Chevy and Randy Quaid…

Hooked on Wild Turkey…?!

I’m just fine, Clark…

Admittedly, I did not think much of National Lampoon’s
Christmas Vacation when it first came out.
I thought it was “okay” but not great.
Upon further review I have since modified my thinking on
this superb peon to family dysfunction.
It is a very iconic movie, as I will spotlight in the next
few weeks, with a blurb or two every now and then.
Here’s one with Chevy Chase losing it, just a bit…

I’m just warming up!