Monthly Archives: February 2015

Kill the Dog Next Door!

Canada’s magnificent contribution to the wild and wacky world
of Comedy Troupes, The Arrogant Worms, have a plethora of
superbly funny comedy songs out that I simply must share.
This is one that I have lived, first hand, with a VERY
noisy canine living…right…next…door!

No, make that Yip!

Happy Birthday Emo!

Today, February 7th 2015, is legendary comedian Emo Philip’s
One of the most underrated comedians of all time, in my humble
opinion, he has produced some the funniest lines ever uttered.
I’ve seen him live and he was top notch, a very smart stand-up
comedian with a mind like no other.
Here he is doing a set on Thames Television, delivering some
of his most classic material…

a very young 59 years old!

Captain Albert Alexander

Welcome to the wild and wacky world of Steam Powered Giraffe!
I simply cannot say enough about this talented group of
musicians/performance artists/comedians.
They are one of a kind assembly that consist of two siblings,
David Michael Bennett and Isabella Bennett, and Sam Luke,
otherwise known as Spine, Bunny and Hatchworth.
Seriously addictive, they harmonize like no other band I’ve
ever heard, and the stage banter is to die for.
Please check out this cool little studio piece that brings all
their aforementioned talents together in one great performance.

Much more of these folks to come!

The Gym

This being America, where the term Physical Fatness is more
than accurate when describing the average citizen, I find
this comedy sketch to be quite humorous.

I live for satire like this, find me MORE!