Monthly Archives: April 2015

The United States of America…

I have to post this, for those not familiar with this classic
piece of Comedy history, it is a slice of one of the best
pieces of satire and parody ever written.
Performed by Stan Freberg, Jesse White, June Foray and many
other very talented people, this recording is considered by
many to be the best comedy album of all time.
I cannot disagree with that sentiment.
Narrated by the great Paul Frees…

Pick this up if you get a chance.
You won’t regret it!

Shi Tsu

The absolute Ultimate Poem (Yes, those are caps!) by
the esteemed Jeremy Taylor, as found on Cat Nav-Guide Cats
For the Blind Volume 4.
I play this on the show and it is a great fit…


R.I.P. Stan Freberg

Now this is a sad occasion.
Stan Freberg passed away yesterday at the age of 88.
He was a one of a kind talent, there was nobody quite like
him, and I doubt there ever will be again.
He was a voice actor, producer, puppeteer, recording
artist and much more.
He created the classic holiday satire “Green Christmas” as
well as the iconic “Stan Freberg Presents The United States
of America”, just two of the many superb pieces of comedy
he helped produce.
This is just a small sample of what he did, there will be
many more to come…

You will be sorely missed Stan!