Monthly Archives: November 2015

True Facts about Marsupials

Koalas in the Rain

Zefrank here with more True Facts about Marsupials.
I passed over this one the first time I saw it,
I have since seen the light. If for no other reason
than to hear that wonderful quote at the end! Strange one though,
they bleep the naughty bits during the episode but the ending
song is not screened…

Golf Balls

Around the beginning of the millennium Adult Swim aired some
great groundbreaking cartoon fare that included
Aqua Team Hunger Force, The Brak Show, Space Ghost,
the incredible Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law and this one,
Sealab 2021.
A short section of a longer episode, this is Hesh and the
Captain out whacking a few balls, absurd humor at its best…