Monthly Archives: February 2016


This is a very clever word play piece by Swami Beyondananda
aka Steve Bhaerman. His act is really well done, lots of
deep thinking going into this, and ultimately it’s a feel good
time had by all. Puns, parody and silliness galore…

I Love Fat Women

Hold on now, this isn’t what you think!
This is actually a classic performance by Williams and Ree,
AKA The Indian and the White Guy, that I play on the show from
time to time.
Their act is a whole story all by itself, started in the 60s when
a lot of this type of humor was plentiful, they have toured
together ever since then finding appreciative crowds everywhere
they go. They play off each other something fierce.
Irreverent? Surely! Offensive? Nope! Funny?
You be the judge…