Monthly Archives: April 2016

Fruit Bat Fun

Oh, this is a weird one by the wonderfully odd Chandler
Travis Philharmonic!
It is an audience participation kind of song, barely, kinda.
I could watch this band all day, and they are pretty
talented in their own large Thorazine Dosage sort of way.
I love the clothes…

How German Sounds

To everyone else!
I’m sure you’ve seen variations of this one, this is
one of the originals. Kind of witty if not downright
alarming. The funny thing is I live on the same street
as a German lady and she is all that and MORE…

White People

Daniel Tosh has taken stand-up comedy to a level that no
other comic has ever been to.
His honesty, combined with an irreverence that can’t be
described, makes for a great act.
He has a new recording coming out very soon, I will play
that on the show as soon as I get my hands on it.
This is a funny piece…