Monthly Archives: May 2016

Hamster Health

A topic we are ALL concerned with at some point in our lives.
If anyone can wring out a laugh or several from that topic
it’s Jake Johannsen. A long time favorite of C101R, this
guy is as good as it gets.
One utterance of profanity at the half way mark, nothing that
would cause injury to adults or really large toddlers…

The Confession

This is not a typical piece from Colcannon, a band known for
their Irish folk tunes, and that’s why I like it.
I find that the serious artists sometimes make the best comedy
tracks, kind of like genius bubbling up from the bottom of the
bottle. Okay, bad analogy but you get the idea…


This is a great one from the early days of Saturday
Night Live, back when they were funny.
This was released on a recording from the very first year
it was on the air, 1975-76.
The world needs more parody…