Monthly Archives: July 2017

Arab and Persian Stereotypes

Maz Jobrani is a very funny man!
He’s one of the original Axis of Evil Comedy Tour
performers that was made up of either middle
easterners or their offspring, all comedians
and all very talented in their own right.
Maz is doing double duty here, he’s making you
laugh and he’s explaining the differences and
similarities between Americans and the folks
from his background.
His humor is very good, his perspective is excellent…

On This Day in History

Gallagher was born back in 1946!
Leo Anthony Gallagher is one of the best stand-up
comedians that ever lived, I don’t give a rat’s
patoot what Rolling Stones says!
When he was “on” there was nobody better, and I’m not
talking about the props or the watermelon brutality.
He has some bits that are beyond classic, but it’s hard
to prove this due to the fact that he only has one
recording out and most of what I refer to is on his videos.
One of the best ever, Happy Birthday Gallagher!