Monthly Archives: November 2018

Grandpa’s Hologram

When this song first came out in 1993 The Austin Lounge Lizards
were stretching the boundaries of what was possible.
Holograms had been invented much earlier but were very
expensive to create and casual usage was unheard of.
Fast forward a bit, you now have long dead artists doing
concerts in holographic form for crowds of thousands.
Time does change things.
Can you imagine getting up in the middle of the night
for a midnight snack…”@#$%! Who left Grandpa on? I need a new robe!”
Been dead for ten years, still causes trouble…

Married vs Single

I laughed out loud when I reviewed this piece today!
I’ve heard it before, and I laugh every time I do.
The late, great Richard Jeni was one of the best.
I consider him to be on the Top Twenty All Time
stand-up comedian list, with some of his material
to be in the Classic category, he was that good.
Lots of snark with a dash of indignant, heavy on
the insightful…

The Flowers

From The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear comes this peculiar
scene of deep refrigerators and extreme protein bars!
The late, great Leslie Nielsen was a talented comedic actor,
he know what he had and used it quite well.
Lots of sight gags in this one…