Monthly Archives: February 2019

True Facts: The Lemur

Ze Frank is back with a humorous and educational
look at the Madagascar dwelling lemur!
There’s a sincere plea for support for a pro lemur
group at the end, they are an endangered species
that could use all the help that they can get.
Some great lines here, as one would expect from
Mr. Frank, he keeps getting better with age…

Head of Household

Andy Woodhull is a pretty funny stand-up comedian,
when he’s on a roll he can get quite humorous.
Here he talks about his family life and all the trappings.
Being ripped off really stinks, especially when a bear
steals your bicycle.
Tried to get it back, got hugged.
Life is harsh…

The Golf Song

The Arrogant Worms with an ode to bad pants
and little white, dimpled balls!
That sounds like a medical condition.
And it very well could be.
Not to worry, there’s probably a cream for it.
Still, keep your head up…

On This Day in History

The late, great Mitch Hedberg was born back in 1968!
I saw him live at the Montreal Comedy Festival and was
taken by how laid back he truly was.
A funny story, I didn’t think that I had seen him live, but
I recently stumbled across a picture in my collection that
shows us both in the same shot with him on stage.
Then I remembered some things that happened that evening
and I recalled the gig in detail.
Over the years I’ve see a ton of comedians and I lose track
of who and when.
Always great with a one-liner, he had a tendency to get
really out there.
He passed away back in 2005 but his works live on.
Gotta keep the good ones going…