Monthly Archives: February 2019

The New Sheriff of Rock Ridge

A slice of Mel Brook’s riotous western Blazing Saddles!
Harvey Korman, Cleavon Little and Mel himself in a scene
at the beginning of the flick that starts it all off.
Long before Mongo becomes a pawn in game of life.
This movie could never be made in this day and age.
It is/was risque’, over the top, irreverent, and silly.
Great attributes that.
Cleavon shines in this movie…

Uncle Buford

Da Vinci’s Notebook with a rambling discourse
on why you should not marry your first cousin!
I’m trimming the fat, reading between the lines.
That’s MY interpretation at least.
The devil is in the details of course.
I got plenty of uncles like that.
We don’t talk about ’em much…


Greg Warren with a humorous look at slapping
on some sneakers and hitting the…couch!
He’s a very funny guy, gets you going with his
in-depth look at the world.
He’s a great fit for the show, a good all around comic…

Comedy 101 Radio Playlist 2.21.19

I was very pleased with this show!
Some of the best stand-up that I have in
my collection…requested, played and
chuckled over.
Cannot ask for more.
I have to reiterate my appreciation of the
skills that Kellen Erskine possesses.
I played a piece by him that illustrates how
crazy good he is, there was a point where he
lost the joke he was setting up due to an
unexpected bump in the action.
He mined it for all it was worth!
At some point a lesser comic would have
either not been able to think on their feet
quick enough to get a laugh, or would have
tried to pull too many chuckles out of it and
ruined the opportunity that was given.
He got some serious laughs out of what was
essentially a black hole caused by a miscue.
Probably the best recovery I’ve ever seen!
A live version of On the Amazon by Don McLean.
A heartfelt tribute to Ken Nordine who passed
away this week, he will be missed.
A hunger block, to go with a block of germs, to
add to the crazy in all of us.
Groucho was against it.
John Bartles was last seen sans pants.
A classic combo by Monty Python.
And Cy Amundson absolutely kills it!

Istanbul- The Heebee-Jeebees
Goofy Gulf- Mack and Jamie
I Was Retarded- Mike Birbiglia (s-up)
On the Amazon- Don McLean
Cliche Heaven- Ken Nordine
Health Insurance- Jeff Caldwell (s-up)
Accountant Song- Fast & Dirty
I Threw Some Meat Into the Pond- Chandler Travis
Macabre and Happy Things- Carlos Alazraqui (s-up)
Burger God- Big Daddy Graham
Gimme a Smoke- Bob and Doug McKenzie
Valentine’s Day- Kellen Erskine (s-up)
I’m Against It- Groucho Marx
You Gonna Eat that Banana?- The Coalition of Unified Men
I Got a Germ Thing- Adam Ferrara (s-up)
Germs- Weird Al Yankovic
Hospital Bed- Not the 9:00 News
Coffee/Booze- Nick Griffin (s-up)
Mountain Mean- Mike Cross
Davie the Talkative Cat- Tim Biancalana
Drinking- Shane Mauss (s-up)
Crazy- Tracy and the Hindenburg Ground Crew
Mental Health Hotline- Spanky
Crazy People- Dov Davidoff (s-up)
Deadly Animals- Scared Weird Little Guys
Continental Steel- Robert Klein
Men and Women- Rita Rudner (s-up)
Meat-O-Matic- Late Show
Do Just What I Say- Mike Phirman
Shaving and Adult Diapers- Jake Johannsen (s-up)
I Hate People- Gus and the Snowmen
Ti Kwan Leep- The Frantics
A Cassette?- John Heffron (s-up)
Pants- John Bartles
Barber Shop/Lumberjack Sketch- Monty Python
Grocery Store Corral Guy- Tommy Ryman (s-up)
Let’s Wake Up the Neighbors- The Whitest Kids U’ Know
Ramblin’ and Wanderin’ – Space Ghost
Cats- Zoltan Kaszas (s-up)
How’s Your Whole…Family?- Red Peters
Kittens.Babies.America- Cy Amundson (s-up)

I’m a Lumbercat and I’m Okay…


Da Vinci’s Notebook with a spirited vocal arrangement!
This procedure is not for everyone.
If you weigh less then a hundred pounds and you’re
six feet tall, sidestep the performance and find
yourself a greasy buffet somewhere.
On the other hand…
If your bathroom scale screams when you get on it,
Your breath smells like the dumpster at a Chinese
restaurant , and you have a hotdog sticking out of
your left ear you just might need the service being
discussed here.
You are welcome…

Date Meal: Pasta

You Suck at Cooking with a tasty treat for the
loved one in your life!
Or, at least the one you’d like to share some
extreme snuggle bunnies with.
And yes, they can be different people.
I’m not your mother, I don’t care.
That dish looks pretty good to me!
It shouldn’t be too good, you don’t want to be
locking your future spouse in the hall closet
just so you can polish off the rest of their plate.
With apologies to Frank N. Stein…