Monthly Archives: August 2019

A Real Good Time

Jim Stafford was a very popular performer back
in the seventies, he had his own television show,
guest starred on may others, and charted a few
novelty songs that I consider classics.
Out of the limelight but certainly not forgotten.
This is one of his pieces that I love to give air time to.
Poor guy, just wants to have a real good time.
A classic case of unrequited lust…

“Face Time Party Snoozer”

From the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, a nifty little
gadget that saves you from those tedious moments of
social interactivity that we’d rather not engage in.
Where were these when I was younger?!
I loves me some parody.
I’m really big on satire as well.
Maybe some day someone can explain the difference to me…


Kathleen Madigan is easily one of the best stand-up
comedians on the circuit, and one of the best ever.
Consistently funny, and always good for a laugh.
She gets a little profane here, but hey, it’s Monday.
I hereby proclaim the first work day of the week to be
profanity laden!
Um wait, I should have thought that through.
It already is.
Family issues reign supreme.
Nothing new there…

The Battle of Kookamonga

Homer and Jethro, Henry Haynes and Kenneth Burns, were a
very popular duo from the 40s through the 60’s that specialized
in satirizing the popular songs of the day.
Often to much hilarity.
This is a classic Summer tune that I enjoy playing on the show.
Nice imagery and the performance isn’t too shabby either..

No, Clark

I love this one, most of the Android Poultry material
is pretty good, but some transcend the usual mirth
to take it up a notch.
This is one such piece.
I’ve never completely understood the whole Secret
Identity nonsense that permeates most superhero
applications, this piece snarks that mightily.
If I was a borderline godlike figure EVERYONE would
know it, especially that bastard that picked on me in
eighth grade…