Monthly Archives: December 2019

Mall Car Chase

This goofy but highly entertaining chase scene
is from the 1980 classic flick The Blues Brothers.
Jake and Elwood can’t be stopped, Jake doesn’t
want to go back to the joint and Elwood has a
suspended license
Let the race begin!
They do a little window shopping first…

Comedy 101 Radio Playlist 12.26.19

Sick as can be, could not do a show due to
a severe case of laryngitis, and the general
feeling one gets after being hit by a locomotive.
To clarify, I was not run into by a train, I just
felt like it.
It would not have been a pretty sight.
Drooling, moaning, coughing and sneezing.
Not four of the Seven Dwarfs, trust me.
Next week I will return with new material, a
head that doesn’t look like it was used for soccer
practice, and a dry shirt.
I hope your Christmas was everything you wanted
it to be…


Yeah, you heard right…Arf!
Actually more like Barf, but that’s a hell of a
way to start off a post.
I’m so sick I can barely post this, was sick all
Xmas day and it ain’t looking any better today.
What’s kinda freaky is if I hold my head real tight
my brain stops spinning but the room goes nuts!
Typing with my feet, drooling like great-grandpa.
I go bye-bye now…