Monthly Archives: December 2019

Law and Order

This is a classic from John Mulaney.
John is a rare breed these days, not many in
the stand-up community are as adept at story
telling as he is.
Not a one-liner type of comedian, more of a
Aesop’s Fable kind of guy.
He has the personality and the charisma to
pull it off, good for him and us as well.
He pontificates on the late, great Jerry Orbach…

The Death of the Cog

The Cog is Dead has it’s Steam Punk act together.
Great singing, skilled musicians, and a keen sense of humor
make it a band to enjoy up close.
I’ve seen them do it live and they are a real treat.
Mr. Hamilton embraced the digital, much to
their dismay…

Kale Chips: YSaC

You Suck at Cooking with a look at everyone’s
favorite green leafy vegetable.
By favorite I, of course, mean despised.
Still the top of the health food heap, even
better than broccoli and green peppers on
the old 1 to 100 Best Food Pyramid thingy.
It’s fun to see it taken down a peg or two.
Even if it is out of spite…