Monthly Archives: March 2020

I’m a Bear

Mike Birbiglia with an animated chunk of stand-up
centered around that wonderful forest dwelling
animal that likes to gnaw on our fleshy bits.
Bears are cool, when their stomachs are full.
Or chasing people you don’t like.
Other than that it gets iffy…

Wet Dream

The late, great Kip Addotta with an oldie but a goodie.
He flings the puns with reckless abandon.
Which is the only way to fling them really.
Word on the street is that they like to be flung.
If you see one walking down the road, stop and
toss one aside, you’ll be doing them a favor…

Special Victims and Ice T

I love to post this at least once a year.
A classic piece of stand-up by John Mulaney
about his favorite television program.
And, of course, the actors contained within.
John can tell a story, he’s a very interesting fellow.
So is Ice-T but for a completely different set of reasons…

Here’s Dinner

Chandler Travis Philharmonic with a
rousing tune of culinary delight!
No, not really, not rousing at all.
More of a slow, apathetic lament
towards all things edible.
Still, it made my mouth water a bit.
I loves me some strange…