Monthly Archives: April 2020

Coming Together

Kyle Kinane is a very funny stand-up comedian.
A style all his own, and a personality to match.
He delves into things most comedians won’t touch.
Not because they are controversial…too mundane.
He has a knack for making simple things funny.
This piece is a great example of that.
Nice vest…

Comedy 101 Radio 4.23.20

All over the place this week.
A veritable hodgepodge of nonsense.
So what else is new?
A classic by Rowan and Martin.
Two by Mike Cross, one performed.
A food block.
Ed punches nuns.
Night of the Living Rodneys.
Costaki is concerned about childhood deaths.
One cause in particular.
A hair block.
Pete’s mom has a jacket made from depression.
Ending on a Monkey Assed Rum Punch.
Onward and upward…

Fred- Rodney Carrington
Fishing for Sheep- Roger Lloyd Pack
My Doctor- Rodney Dangerfield (s-up)
Fibber Island- They Might Be Giants
Possum Loaf- The Trailer Park Troubadours
Grocery Store Corral Guy- Tommy Ryman (s-up)
Frank’s Not in the Band Anymore- Worm Quartet
Al’s Suspicious Cars- Laughing Hyena
Perfect Woman- Rich Shydner (s-up)
Dear Boss- Mike Cross
Them Moose Goosers- Mason Williams
Hair- Diane Ford (s-up)
Randolph Got a Haircut- Kenny Young & The Eggplants
Barber Shop/Lumberjack Sketch- Monty Python
Kid’s Party Games- Brian Regan (s-up)
Copenhagen- The Geezinslaws
The Birds and the Bees- Dan Rowan and Dick Martin
New Family- Henry Cho (s-up)
Lydia the Tattooed Lady- The Juggernaut Jug Band
One Leg Too Short- Royal Canadian Air Farce
Kids- Tim Young (s-up)
The Scotsman’s Kilt- Wood’s Tea Company
The Menu- Whole World
France & Italy- John Pinette (s-up)
Junk Food Junkie- Larry Groce
Life on the Road- Josh Sneed (s-up)
Caucasian Spiritual- Ed’s Redeeming Qualities
I Hate When That Happens- Christopher Guest and Billy Crystal
Hungry Bears- Alonzo Bodden (s-up)
Killer Robots from Venus- The Arrogant Worms
The Flea Circus- Conception Corporation
Funny- Costaki Economopoulos (s-up)
Blind Date- Faust & Lewis
Pop’s Place- Jim Terr
Furs and Cigarettes- Pete Correale (s-up)
Bike Stop- MC Mr. Napkins
Lewis Black’s Cruise- Kathleen Madigan (s-up)

Bedside Manner

This is a killer comedy sketch from Nichols and May.
Elaine May and the late, great Mike Nichols were a
heck of a comedy team back in the day.
I say back, but they were way ahead of their time.
This skit would be very timely were it not for one
line, that puts a date on things is an understatement.
Even if nothing else changes, the cost of something
sure does.
A very funny skit, one of the best ever…