Monthly Archives: May 2021

Babies are Useless

Not a bad stance to take in an argument.
You might take some serious heat from
a few of the moms out there, but they
tend to be kinda crabby to begin with so
it’s not a HUGE deal.
Christopher Titus with a baby rant of
epic proportions.
He makes some great points…

The Cat Came Back

This is an adorable, animated version of the classic
campfire tune, put out by the Film Board of Canada.
Simply terrific, the animation adds much to the mix.
The facial expressions, the styling, the focus, the
desperation…one heck of a humorous ditty!
Watch the poor bugger slowly lose it…

Fighting Trousers

I love to post, and play this piece on the show.
Chap Hop intrigues me something fierce.
It’s the whole British Stiff Upper Lip/Keep it Classy
mindset that draws my attention to it.
Not to mention the innovative rapping itself.
It’s not low brow at all, it speaks to the common man
but one that aspires.
This one has it all…interesting lyrics, a really neat
video to give it some legs, and the above mentioned
British humor to provide some class and polish.
I really like this video, some great quotes here.
Professor Elemental at his finest…