Monthly Archives: August 2021


A parody of the superb poem that Max Ehrmann created
back in the 1920’s…Desiderata.
Written by Tony Hendra, music by Christopher Guest,
narrated by Norman Rose, sung by Melissa Manchester.
I love playing this on the show…

Horrible Thoughts

Dan Cummins shows his true self in this dark piece.
Funny as anything he’s ever done, Dan is good at the dark.
My go-to stand-up comedian when needing such a mood.
One naughty word, could be a problem if you wrap that
expletive with tinfoil and throw it in the microwave for
several minutes.
This could be compensated for by cramming as many
marshmallows into the tailpipe of your next door
neighbors car as is humanly possible, I recommend two
or three bags worth.
Get the big ones…

Comedy 101 Radio 8.26.21

Got in a couple or three decent blocks this week.
Gambling, Insanity, Beer, and a darkness that
all other darkness should be measured by.
Dark comedy can be therapeutic, kinda like
listening to the blues…when someone else is a
lot worse off than you it makes you feel better.
Yeah, it’s for purely selfish reasons, but you know
how THAT goes.
Hit a lot of Summer material, not letting go.
Pavel Bobek was a Czech singer of fine repute.
Peter Cook and Dudley Moore with a classic.
Lily Tomlin with a signature piece that I’m more
than happy to play.
Tracy Thielen is missed, he performed a great piece
this week, with passion and excellence.
A pretty funny bit by the late, great Richard Jeni.
Max Splodge certainly knows what he wants.
Superb imagery from Christopher Titus.
A tip of the hat to the late, great Tom T Hall.
My god, is Kellen Erskine really good at snark!
Norman Rose, Melissa Manchester, Christopher
Guest and Tony Hendra entertain us mightily.
Daniel Tosh wins the top seat this week with a
piece so irreverent it boggles the mind.
Onward and upward…

On the Amazon- Pavel Bobek
Braindusters- Proctor and Bergman
Camping- Tim Young (s-up)
Runnin’ Bare- Jim Nesbitt
Crime and the Carpet Cleaner- Tom Mabe
Ignorance or Arrogance- Tyler Boeh (s-up)
(This Song’s Gonna Make A) Great Video- The Vacant Lot
Pitfalls of Choice- Whole World
Sandwiches- Mitch Hedberg (s-up)
Multi Family Garage Sale- Land of the Loops
Tramponuns- Peter Cook and Dudley Moore
Camping, Family Road Trip- Mark Gross (s-up)
Street Cred- MC Mr. Napkins
The Dead Parrot- Monty Python
Lawn Mower- Kellen Erskine (s-up)
The Beach Song- Sean Cullen
Obscene Phone Call- Lily Tomlin
Vegas- Jimmy Dore (s-up)
The Great Strip Poker Massacre- Mike Cross
The Chamber of Fate- The Vestibules
Time- Shane Mauss (s-up)
Crazy- Tracy and the Hindenburg Ground Crew
I’m in Love with My Little Red Tricycle- Napolean XIV
First Impressions- Richard Jeni (s-up)
Bicycle Seat- Max Splodge
Bus Stop- Landry and Biener
Checkpoint- Christopher Titus (s-up)
I Like Beer- Tom T. Hall
Nads- DJ Hazard
Horrible Thoughts- Dan Cummins (s-up)
Deteriorata- Norman Rose
Russian Roulette- The Whitest Kids U’ Know
The Beaches of Gatlinburg- Josh Sneed (s-up)
Backseat- No Time
Children’s Death- Daniel Tosh (s-up)

On the Amazon

I like to post the more well known version from Don McLean
but from time to time I go with this cover by Pavel Bobek.
Pavel was a Czechoslovakian singer of find repute who,
for some strange reason, liked to cover standard rock and
roll/folk tunes, this being one of them.
An interesting take, broadened my horizons anyway…

Bear Safety

Tim Young with some nifty tips on handling
large, man eating bears that want to do you
grievous bodily harmage.
Tim’s a funny guy, which would not be a
good fit if he was a bill collector, but a huge
asset if you are a stand-up comedian.
Some great lines here…