Monthly Archives: April 2022

Using Your Thing for a Pencil

A silly scene from a very silly movie.
This flick is not without a redeeming quality or two.
Having said that, why would anyone in their right
mind think this was a great idea for a plot?!
Never mind putting those three actors together with
such a thin script.
I think Steve Martin is as good as it gets in comedy.
One of the best ever.
Chevy Chase has his moments, not a great actor but
not an Adam Sandler by any means.
Martin Short is not a top shelf comedian, to be fair I
see him more in a television sitcom role.
Galaxy Quest was released thirteen years later and
did a better job at making the meme humorous.
The old television actors living out their TV roles for reals
plot is getting old at this point.
My favorite scene from this movie will be posted in the
near future, it almost single-handedly saves the whole thing
but not quite…

Bad Grocery Store Advice

Every now and then I get into a mood where I want
to hear smart, thinking man’s comedy,
I have a small group of stand-up comedians that I
look to for such things and this guy is right up there.
Kellen Erskine is dry, laid back and very intelligent.
If you have those qualities and possess the knack to
make people laugh I will more than happy to give you
some serious air time.
I consider this to be a classic piece of stand-up comedy.
Some superb lines here…