Monthly Archives: April 2022

Cat Nav

A rather lively tune about a mangy, stubborn feline with
allusions of superiority.
A song about a cat.
They’re all alike, they just annoy you differently.
I have two, why I have no idea…

Post Nuclear Fairy Tale

This fine example of ecological awareness is brought to you
by the talented Canadian duo Local Anxiety.
Mark Leiren-Young and Kevin Crofton demonstrate that there
are those among us that still care deeply about such things.
Their 20`10 Greenpieces recording was lauded by critics and
fans alike.
Stuff like this can happen, we need to stay on top of it…

Worst Homeschool Teacher

Juston McKinney with a pretty humorous look at keeping the
little buggers home for edumication purposes.
Good luck with that.
I don’t have the patience, or the time, or the kids.
But if I did, I wouldn’t.
Juston’s cool, one of the funnier stand-up comedians out there…