Monthly Archives: June 2022

Flight of the Mole People

An interesting slice from the 2011 animated flick Rango.
I will say it again, because it’s worth saying, I will never
understand why the studios hire famous actors to do the
voices of animated characters.
Give the work to someone who needs it, not to someone
who makes 20 million a movie.
There’s a few different tropes being utilized here.
Silly fun for the whole family…

The Salt and Pepper Diner

This is a great one by John Mulaney.
John is more of a story telling stand-up comedian.
He can tell a very humorous tale, this is one of his
better ones.
The tension is palpable amongst the diners.
I find that hilarious.
Does that make me a bad person?


A wonderful little number from Billy Connolly.
At his peak he was one of the greats, he is still with us but
does not tour due to health reasons.
We play the greats to keep them alive,
that is as it should be…

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout…

Would Not Take the Garbage Out.
An absolute classic by one of the very best.
Shel Silverstein was so good at many things it’s almost silly.
Poet, song writer, author, illustrator, musician, and all around
decent human being.
His social conscience was of a high standard, he had things to
say and he knew how to say them.
And he was so entertaining, his unique voice and unbridled
emotion were a sight to behold.
He also lived at the Playboy Mansion for years as the house artist.
That alone puts him in the Lucky Bastard Hall of Fame
Some great word play here, as I stated, a Classic…