Monthly Archives: March 2023

New Age Parents

A classic bit from Tommy Ryman.
He has found his shtick, the wimpy son of hippie parents
with a nerdy and cerebral look at the world.
He is a genuinely funny guy, with much to add.
114 pounds of unbridled fury, roaring at ya…

Stairway Shooting Scene

A splendid display of sight gags and over the top memes.
Seriously, this slice of Naked Gun 33 1/3 is in a class by itself.
And to think that this started off as a television series that
was taken off the air after only six episodes by programming
executives that didn’t think it was funny.
Two hit movies were made after the cancel and they did VERY well.
Leslie Nielsen was a huge part of that success.
The pope?
Not so much…

My Side of the Story

Christopher Titus is a great stand-up comedian, one of the best.
He is as good as it gets, and he brings much to the table.
He is self deprecating, befuddled and confused, a little annoyed.
Combine that with a generous helping of snark and you have a
winning combination.
This is a great bit, a window into his mind, and his ex’s…