Thoughts for the Week

Or maybe Thoughts for the Weak might be more like it.
Just wanted to take a moment to clarify some things.
Some folks have questioned why I don’t post my daily
comedy infusion with more well known and popular
videos, specifically stand-up comedians, that might be
a bit more entertaining than what they are seeing.
It gets a bit complicated but it boils down to the
usual Profanity/Indecency rules that I adhere to in
the radio station.
The FCC mandates that radio stations can play material
that might be profane AFTER a certain time of day,
usually 8pm, anything before that would break their
rules about such things.
Usually radio stations will add a cushion to that rule
and refrain from anything profane until AFTER 10pm,
just to be on the safe side.
You must NEVER play anything indecent, the FCC has
huge fines in place should a radio station ever do that.
It is in the tens of thousands of dollars, and that is
enough to break most radio station budgets for all but
the big boys…they know who they are.
Having said that, I have all sorts of listeners from
different age groups that listen to the show and also
peruse the posts that I create on a daily basis.
Because of the diversity I choose to hold back a bit
so as not to offend, self censorship if you will.
Occasionally a piece will be so darned funny that I
will post it even if it has language in it that
your Grandma would only utter if she has been drinking
heavily, and I usually explain the piece before hand.
Lately I have been thinking about modifying that policy
a bit, posting a bit more of the adult material.
I had an epiphany this morning.
I put together a list of my all time favorite stand-up
comedians and realized that it was very different than
what I usually post on a daily basis.
My top ten might consist of Carlin, Jeni, Tosh, Hicks
and a few others.
It hit me that I never post them because their best bits
are quite profane…slapped my fat head and said “Whaaaat?!”
which I am want to do whenever something overwhelms my
logic circuits.
I’m going to modify that approach from here on in.
There are some hilarious bits out there that demand
perusal and review and I will post same.
I will of course give you the old NSFW designation
whenever possible.
As always, if you have any complaints please let me know and I’ll
be glad to pretend that I care…


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