It’s not every day that I stumble onto a group that intrigues the living hell out of me.
I will admit, and am very surprised, that I was a bit late in hearing about this band.
I only began to play their material about two years or so ago.
Just as I started getting some forward momentum with them, they split up.
They did have a great run, I know folks who saw them live and were very much impressed.
The musicianship is/was beyond top notch, as were the songs.
No matter, I play a lot of defunct bands on the show, and will continue to do so.
My lament is not limited to that however…why on earth weren’t they more well known?!
This video is a decent example of what they are capable of, but it is by no means as
good as the recordings that they have put out.
And that REALLY impresses me!
Wammo sings lead on this one.
Check out the Asylum Street Spankers!
Don’t take my word for it. Check out their recordings. Absolutely superb!