Monthly Archives: September 2021

RIP Lex Luthor

Some people grieve mightily when a loved one dies.
Others laugh their backsides off.
Depends entirely on what you thought of the deceased.
Tommy loved his rat, that much is sure.
Methinks Tommy never got a pony when he was younger.
Still, when Lex Luthor went toes up in the basement there
was much gnashing of teeth and yanking of hair.
Which really didn’t hurt because, a I stated, Lex was ex.
Tommy’s a very funny guy.
Lex, not so much…

No, Clark

Whatever you do don’t reveal your true identity!
I have never understood why superheroes go to
great lengths to conceal who they are when not
wearing their spandex and capes.
If I was capable of all the great things that
Superman could do you could bet your back
pocket that I’d be living it up…large!
The best whisky, the best women, the best
EVERYTHING…the list would be endless.
This is a parody of one of the most hated, and
confusing, scenes in all of the Superman flicks.
And what about Super Speed?
Clark could have saved the old geezer, washed
and waxed his car, fed the dog, AND checked
out everybody at the beach with his X-ray vision
in a blink of an eye…nobody would suspect a thing.
That would be too simple, and logical.
Nope, we have to take the Stan Lee approach to
super heroes apparently…cannot have the perfect
life, must suffer endless rejection, can never keep a
girlfriend, all your aunts and uncles die during a
robbery, people reject you because you’re a freak, etc;
If I was in charge things would be different, that’s
all I’m sayin’…

Inn at the End of Time

Professor Elemental with a superb Chap Hop overview of
damned near every decent sci-fi movie, book, and TV series
ever made.
If you are fan of the genre you will love finding the icons
and references to the aforementioned sources.
From Douglas Adams to Doctor Who, it’s all here!
This is a trip, British humor and the wit that goes with it…