Comedy 101 Radio Playlist 3.29.18

I played some really nice, new material this week from
Kathleen Madigan, Mitch Hedberg, Kyle Kinane and Jake
Yes, I know…”How can a dead guy put out new material?!”
you might shriek out loud to total strangers!
New to the show, and I’m ALL for keeping someone
alive that should still be heard.
I still play Carlin, Pinette, Jeni, Radner, Dangerfield,
Whitehurst, Hicks, and a host of other supremely talented
comedians just for that reason.
And Oscar Brand!
That man has my undying respect for many reasons, and one of
the biggest is that he had his own radio show in New York City
That’s a loooooong time!
And he hosted many very interesting people, for the best of reasons.
I could go on, but once I start rambling…

Comedy 101 Radio Playlist for 3.29.18
Some great new material this week, and a nod to Easter!

Seven Old Ladies Locked in a Lavatory- Oscar Brand
A Small Re-write- Rowan Atkinson and Hugh Laurie
Strict Parents- Todd Justice (s-up)
Frank’s Not in the Band Anymore- Worm Quartet
Henri’s Artic Outfitters- Royal Canadian Air Farce
My Doctor- Rodney Dangerfield (s-up)
Things Could Be Worse, I Could Be You- Bill Frenzer
Bike Stop- MC Mr. Napkins
Gifts- Michael Somerville (s-up)
The Robot Cat- Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club
Chunky Chets Fried Chicken- Laughing Hyena
Extreme Sports- John Pinette (s-up)
The Scotsman- Mike Cross
A Professional- Michael Jr. (s-up)
White Trash Girlfriend- J Chris Newberg
A Pinhead Will Survive- Reverend Billy C Wirtz
Dollar Store- Steve McGrew (s-up)
Sweet Transvestite- Tim Curry
Easter- Bill Hicks (s-up)
Rabbit Valley- The Four Postmen
Nukes in the News- Proctor and Bergman
Door Hold- Robert Hawkins (s-up)
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park- Tom Lehrer
Cooking Time With Phillipa and Denina- The Vestibules
Til Death Do Us Part- Jake Johannsen (s-up)
Road Kill- The Horse Flies
Canadian Wildlife Dead Animal- The Frantics
Impatient- Glen Foster (s-up)
Let’s Talk Dirty to the Animals- Gilda Radner
I’m in Love With My Little Red Tricycle- Napolean XIV
K.C. is the Garden of Eden- Kathleen Madigan (s-up)
The Easter Song- Paul & Storm
2 Hot 4 U, Pt.II- Barry & the Bookbinders
The Improv Fairy Tale- Mitch Hedberg (s-up)
It’s the Liquor- Kip Addotta
Alternative Child- Brian Doyle-Murray, John Belushi
On the Shoulders of Freaks- Henry Phillips
Tornado Damage- Kyle Kinane (s-up)

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